19th February 2022 > > Cryptos free us from organised control & suppression of our liberty.
Market Snap (at time of writing)

Market Wrap
BTC looking resilient compared to the near 2% decline in US stocks. Four times yesterday the price dipped below $40k only to recover that key psychological level shortly after. There is clearly a strong well of support right here and I suspect that in the next week we will hear from Glassnode that whales have been accumulating at the expense of weak retail hands. I have no intention of making that mistake.
Occasional Series – Trades Unions’ Barons
Tim Roache is the former general secretary of the GMB (Britain’s General Union). The GMB is “a family of working people in all jobs and all walks of life”.
Roache used to earn £288,000 per annum.
Roache resigned in July 2020 for reasons which we clearly cannot talk about.
Unfortunately for Roache he received only an £80,000 payment for long service.
That disappointment was tempered somewhat by the £500,000 bung he was given at the same time.
There has been no justification for that extraordinarily exceptional payoff.
Now in retirement his union pension is £60,000 per annum putting him in the top 10% of earners in the UK. Without even working anymore.
His old employer – GMB union - also provides him with a car and its running costs thrown in too.
Let me repeat.
The GMB is “a family of working people in all jobs and all walks of life”.
Curious Cryptos’ Commentary – Liberalism, democracy and cryptos
There is no chance that I can clearly elucidate how important cryptos are to the ideals of liberalism and democracy. At least, not in today’s missive. But over time, I will try to do so.
The DNA of Curious Cryptos Ltd. and the CCC is the fundamental belief that the concepts of liberalism and democracy are the only way for us to gain freedom as individuals. Our true potential will start to be realised by replacing centralised structures with those of a decentralised nature.
That cannot possibly happen unless we are liberal and democratic.
I do not argue for the wholesale reconstruction of society. I firmly believe that because of our desire for liberal, democratic values in the West, that drive has been of enormous enrichment to almost everyone who has been lucky enough to have been born into this environment.
Clearly, there are those who state publicly their belief that the Western system of liberal and democratic governments is a construct which is inherently evil and without merit. I respect their view, and I respect their right to say so.
I also note that their proposed alternative forms of government would not respect a different point of view and would certainly not allow a dissident - as I would be in their world - to say so.
That for me, however simplistic it may be, is a key defining factor.
Moving on.
How does this leave cryptos?
I think that is the wrong question. I think too many people focus on cryptos as a money-making opportunity, and not what they represent.
I believe – and I wholeheartedly reserve the right to be wrong – that decentralisation is going to be the solution to so many of the world’s problems.
I don’t mean that cryptos will stop Iran “wiping Israel off the map of the world”.
I don’t mean that the feral psychopaths like Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Xi and the successors to Mugabe will no longer be with us. There will always be failed states because of some peoples’ desires to be controlled.
Cryptos could not stop the fabric of Venezuela being ripped apart by kleptomaniac socialists.
On the upside, the decentralisation of money in terms of reducing or removing government control of interest rates will be the greatest boon for economic development of all time. Cryptos will banish quantitative easing – and its close relation Modern Monetary Theory - to the dustbin where they belong for evermore.
I will return to this theme. Cancel me if you wish.
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